Keywords: offboarding, offboard, off, boarding, procedure, psi, site
*Note* 10.02.21 - The formatting i painstakingly crafted for the recent revision of this document was butchered by Zendesk. I've uploaded the original word document if you would like to read this article in it's prettier, intended form.
Offboarding a PSI Owned & Operated site is sometimes necessary when our locations are sold to 3rd party vendors. This process should take approximately 9 hours - 3 hours per day, over 3 days. While the hours spent on any given day are flexible, the 3 day timeframe needs to be followed as closely as possible to avoid any interruptions in testing at the site.
Currently, either Todd Laffoon will create a ticket for the offboarding procedure, CC-ing Cormac, and the assigned technician.
- Day One
- Create the following file structure (with subfolders) on the server:
FinalPull[YY.MM.DD] (i.e FinalPull21.09.30)
\seat 01
\seat 02
\seat 03
\signature pad
- All testing workstations must have their files and backup files purged.
- Dump the psi-data and backup folders from each seat into the respective seat folder you just created and delete the originals from the testing workstations.
- Make certain that all server .upload files and all captures for photos, fingerprints, and signature pads (Located in subfolders of C:\PSI-OPS-HOME\servers\webapps-ops\psi-lc-ops\images) make it to their respective folders (in the structure you just created at step 1) and delete the originals.
- Zip the Entire file/folder structure you created in step 1 and move it to \\\ServerPull\OnO_Servers\state, site name (code)\
- If you somehow lack access, put it in the notes and get the files to your machine. We'll get it worked out.
- Remove all content from “My” type folders (My Downloads, My Documents, etc.) from C:\ and remove the \OPS and \MISC folders.
- OPS may be installed on D:\ instead. Remove it, and remove any \Happiness folder, if it exists. (OPS is to be installed on C:\ only going forward)
*Steps 6 through 14 are performed on all stations.*
- Pull Ivanti using the executable located at
- Run the Disk Cleanup utility and remove everything.
- Clean up desktop icons on all profiles.
- Open the Task Scheduler and right-click > delete the PSI folder in the Task Scheduler Library.
- Empty the Recycle Bin.
- Set a new screensaver with the following options:
- Blank
- 20 minutes
- Does not require re-login.
- Set a generic desktop background.
- Run the batch file inside from the Sharepoint link for password changes AND to delete the Estech and OPSHD accounts. (Only seat, proctor, and admin user accounts should remain.)
- Log out.
Proctor / Check-in Stations
- Under the proctor user account, delete all content from “MY” type folders (My Downloads, My Documents, etc.) and remove the \MISC folder.
- Delete all anomalous installations from the list of installed programs.
- Perform steps 6-14 as outlined above in section A.
- Testing Workstations
- Remove all ADA software.
- Delete the \MISC folder.
- Perform steps 6-14 as outlined above in section A.
- Day Two
- Ideally, this is when Cormac will arrive and label all stations and KVM switches, which monitors are attached to which proctor stations, and the testing workstation cubicles.
- Complete any tasks that were carried over from Day One (i.e., any stations that were previously inaccessible).
- For all stations, you or the Cormac technician should: confirm admin, seat, and proctor login profiles and logout after each. If ordered to change the IP configuration to DHCP, you may do so for admin profiles before logging out.
- Uninstall DameWare from the server.
- Cormac/Greg will reconfigure or replace the Cisco router.
- The hardware team will update the TCN Master Info table.
- Day Three
- Confirm ISP changes have been made and remote access is possible.
- Complete a standard vanilla install, complete with demos.
- When configuring the hosts file during installation, clean up any erroneous or PSI specific entries that are not necessary to the successful operation of a 3rd party site.
- Confirm printers are functioning correctly.
- Days Four Through Ten
- Give the site the contact information for Tier 1 tech support.
- Reach out to the site on the morning of day 4 to check up on them.
- Reach out to the site on the afternoon of day 5 for a final check in.
Expedited (TH) procedure:
Check and confirm the TH tracker: You must fill out the tracker thoroughly.
The goal of this process is to frontload the work as much as possible, and to ensure that any errors which do result in helpdesk contacts the usual, low time to resolve, errors.
Please read the below instructions carefully and follow it in order as many steps have been altered:
Day 1 will occur late/overnight the last day of testing while everything is still in the PSI configuration.
- For the Server
- Download the Ivanti uninstaller to the desktop:
- Upload the data for the day if it hasn't already been done.
- Create the data archive file structure, as below, on the server:
FinalPull[YY.MM.DD] (i.e FinalPull21.09.30)
\seat 01
\seat 02
\seat 03
\signature pad
- Move files:
- Copy/paste the psi-data and backup folders from each test workstation into their respective seat folder you just created, then delete the originals from the testing workstations.
- Copy/paste all server .upload files, all captures for photos, fingerprints, and
- signature pads (Located in subfolders of C:\PSI-OPS-HOME\servers\webapps-ops\psi-lc-ops\images) from their respective folders into the structure you just created, then delete the originals.
- Archive the files:
- Zip the Entire file/folder structure you created in step 1 and move it to \\\ServerPull\OnO_Servers\state, site name (code)\
- Remove all content from “My” type folders (My Downloads, My Documents, etc.) from C:\ and remove the \MISC folders.
- Change OPS to the new site code:
- Open D: or C:\PSI-OPS-HOME\conf\properties\user for OPS 2, or C:\PSI-OPS-HOME\user for OPS 4, open Edit the line with ID= to use the new site code.
- Perform a modified Manual danger cleanup all:
- Stop Tom (EE or cat) process in task manager services or method of choice
- Navigate to C:\PSI-OPS-HOME\ and delete all folders
- Start Tom (EE or cat) process
- Proctor / Check-in Stations
- Under the proctor user account, delete all content from “MY” type folders (My Downloads, My Documents, etc.) and remove the \MISC folder.
- Delete all anomalous installations from the list of installed programs.
- Perform the "For all stations" steps
- Testing Workstations
- Remove all ADA software.
- Delete the \MISC folder.
- Perform the "For all stations" steps.
- For all stations:
- Transfer and run the file from step 1.1; nothing will show up immediately, this is normal, continue working.
- Run the Disk Cleanup utility and remove everything.
- Clean up desktop icons on the enabled profiles for seat, proctor, and admin. If a profile is disabled, move on.
- Open the Task Scheduler and right-click > delete the PSI folder in the Task Scheduler Library.
- Empty the Recycle Bin.
- Set a new screensaver with the following options:
- Blank
- 20 minutes
- Does not require re-login.
- Set a generic desktop background.
- Run the .bat from located in for password changes AND to delete the Estech and OPSHD accounts. (Only seat, proctor, and admin user accounts should remain, password is "Password".)
- Log out.
- Make sure the printers still work for the proctor station(s)
- Run Demos if you have time
- Using the demo session created, or using one legacy java candidate from the site of your choice, start the test software on every test station.
- You only need one candidate; remember to pause/resume after changing seats.
- Document your work
- Fill out the TH tracker if you haven't been doing so already:
- Send an email:
- to Todd Laffoon <>; Bill Clark <>; Neal Baer <>; Operations and Logistics <>
- Subject should include the site code, site name, ticket number and site offboard progress day 1 update, with either 'additional work needed' or 'day 1 complete'
- Body:
- Include what stations you were unable to access or work you were unable to complete (not due to time constraints), and that Cormac will need to plan to give us remote access and time to complete it, ideally before any other on site work is done, OR
- Include that everything is completed, and Cormac is clear to proceed with the rest of the scheduled work
- Include anything else you believe to be of critical importance.
Day 2 will occur when Cormac calls in on site to complete the work. If day 1 is 100% complete they should call after ISP cutover and potential relocation. If day 1 is incomplete they should call before any ISP cutover or potential relocation.
- Confirm access to stations unavailable on day 1 as recorded on the tracker, ideally before other work which would affect the station network is done by Cormac, and finish the processes from day 1 if necessary.
- Perform a 'Spot check' in the section below if day 1 completed
- Abnormal situations will occur. Do your best to document them and assist as best you can.
- For all stations the Cormac technician should: confirm login and that the server and internet may be accessed. If ordered to change the IP configuration to DHCP, they may do so for admin profiles.
- Document the work
- Fill out the TH tracker if you haven't been doing so already:
- Send an email:
- to Todd Laffoon <>; Bill Clark <>; Neal Baer <>; Operations and Logistics <>
- Subject should include the site code, site name, ticket number and site offboard progress day 2 update, with either 'additional work needed' or 'day 2 complete'
- Include ideally that the work is complete
- Otherwise inform your lead, and with their permissions include what was unable to be performed. Include when this work is expected to be performable.
- Include anything else you believe to be of critical importance.
Spot check
If day 1 work was incomplete, it's possible there will be 'two' day 2 procedures; before ISP/cutover and site move, then again after everything is set up. In this case, and in others where the work has been completed already, a 'spot check' will need to be performed after Cormac has finished setup at the new location.
- Ensure the printer is working for all proctor stations
- Check at least 2-3 test workstations to ensure everything is looks to be in line with our configurations.
- IF you have time, pull live candidate data from another location to:
- Confirm the server is working
- test a legacy java exam loads on the 2-3 test workstations
- Remember to restore the site code when completed
- IF you have time, pull live candidate data from another location to:
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