If you are having issues using the Microphone or if you have an internet connection but receive an error "Not Connected to the Internet", please follow the steps below to resolve the issue.
Method 1: Test the Microphone
- Open the Start Menu
- Click “All Programs”
- Click and expand the “Accessories” folder
- Click and open the “Sound Recorder”
- Click “Start Recording”
- Say “Testing, Testing, Testing” or a short phrase
- While saying the short phrase check to see if the audio bar is moving to confirm if the microphone is recording properly.
- Once you’ve said a phrase click “Stop Recording”
- A Save window will open Save your short recording to your Desktop.
- Double-Click the recording on your Desktop to play it back
- Make sure you can hear the recording playback on your Desktop
If you were able to hear the Recording but you still receive the error message, please contact support. If you are unable to hear the Recording make sure your computer is not muted and the sound is up. If you are still unable to hear the Recording, please try the steps below.
Method 2: Check the Microphone and ensure it’s enabled
- Open the Start Menu
- Click and open the “Control Panel”
- Click and open the “Sound” Icon
- Click the “Recording” tab
- Make sure there is a Microphone listed and a Green Check Mark on the Microphone
If there is a Microphone listed but it does not have a Green Check Mark Right-Click the Microphone and select “enable”. Try to take the exam again. If you are still receiving the error, please try Method 2.
Method 3: Make sure the Microphone is turned up
- Open the Start Menu
- Click and open the “Control Panel”
- Click and open the “Sound” Icon
- Click the “Recording” tab
- Click your Microphone to highlight it
- Click “Properties” at the bottom
- In the new Window (Microphone Properties) click the “Levels” tab
- Change the Microphone setting to 100
- Click “Apply” and “Ok”
Try to take the exam again. If you are still receiving the error, please test your Microphone by following the steps below.
Method 4: Check the Device Manager to make sure the Audio Drivers are functioning properly
- Open the Start Menu
- Click and open the “Control Panel” (Make sure you are in the “Small Icon” view.)
- Click and open the “Device Manager”
- Click and expand “Sound, Video and Game Controllers”
- Make sure you do NOT see any yellow icons listed to the right of any Drivers
- If there is a yellow icon, Right-Click the Audio Driver and select enable
Try to take the exam again. If you are still receiving the error when trying to take an exam please Contact Us.
Thank you,
PSI Support
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